Fort Morgan, Colorado, May 22nd, 2019: Several of our Nebraska stores will be busy hosting Dogs Across America this summer. Dogs Across America is an extremely popular event featuring different styles of hot dogs from different regions across the United States. For a $3 donation, participants enjoy a full lunch that includes a hot dog, chips, and a drink. All donations benefit the TeamMates Mentoring Program, which helps provide scholarships and mentoring for students throughout the Midwest.
Our Norfolk Downtown, Norfolk West, Sunset Plaza, Columbus East, and Columbus West locations will be hosting the event on Fridays and Saturdays during May, June, and July. The Wayne location will also be hosting Dogs Across America on Fridays through July. Scheduled dates include May 24th, May 31st, June 14th, June 21st, June 28th, July 5th, July 12th, and July 19th.
This year’s hot dog flavors include the American Classic Chili Dog, a Chicago Dog, the Kansas City Dog with kraut, the California Dog with smoky bacon, a Pulled Pork Dog, and a Pizza Dog. To participate in the event, please visit one of the store locations on the scheduled dates between 11 am and 1 pm. For additional information on store locations and phone numbers, please visit
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