Fort Morgan, Colorado, January 29, 2021: Viaero Wireless announces that its new store located at 224 N. Lincoln Avenue in York is open and ready for business. “We are excited to finally serve the York community,” says Luke Dille, Sales Director for Viaero Wireless. “The local team has been preparing for months for this day. They’re thrilled to play an instrumental role in delivering reliable, affordable cellular and internet services to York’s residents.”
Viaero Wireless Opens New Store Location in York, NE
Topics: cell phones, internet, wireless, rural, carrier, nebraska, unlimited, viaero, Store opening, high speed internet, York
Viaero Wireless Introduces High-Speed Internet Service in Long Pine, NE
Fort Morgan, Colorado, March 27th, 2020: Viaero Wireless is pleased to announce an expansion of its high-speed internet coverage within Long Pine, Nebraska. The expansion will extend coverage to sites located in the Long Pine area. Viaero Wireless is committed to providing and expanding high-speed internet coverage in rural communities since they typically face significant service challenges due to a lack of providers.
Topics: Technology, data, internet, wireless, rural, wifi, nebraska, proconnect, high speed, Viaero Wireless, Long Pine
Viaero Wireless Extends High-Speed Internet in Franklin and Holdrege, NE
Fort Morgan, Colorado, March 17th, 2020: Viaero Wireless is pleased to announce an expansion of its high-speed internet coverage within the Franklin and Holdrege, Nebraska areas. The expansion will extend coverage to sites located in Franklin and Holdrege. Viaero Wireless is committed to providing and expanding high-speed internet coverage in rural communities since they typically face significant service challenges due to a lack of providers.
Topics: data, internet, wireless, rural, nebraska, unlimited, proconnect, Franklin, high speed, Holdrege
Viaero Wireless Expands Network Coverage near Falls City, Nebraska
Fort Morgan, Colorado, November 25th, 2019: Viaero Wireless is pleased to announce that a new tower near Falls City, Nebraska is now online. The latest tower build is part of a larger initiative to expand and improve cellular and high-speed internet coverage in rural communities. With the addition of the tower, coverage options are expected to improve for Viaero’s customers west of Falls City and north of the state line on Highway 75.
Topics: Technology, community, data, wireless, rural, nebraska, Falls City
Viaero Wireless Expands Network Coverage near Grand Island, Nebraska
Fort Morgan, Colorado, November 18th, 2019: Viaero Wireless is pleased to announce that a new tower near Grand Island, Nebraska is now online. The latest tower build is part of a larger initiative to expand and improve cellular and high-speed internet coverage in rural communities. With the addition of the tower, coverage options are expected to improve for Viaero’s customers north of Grand Island.
Topics: Technology, community, data, wireless, rural, nebraska, mobile, viaero, grand island
Viaero Wireless Expands Network Coverage near Alamosa, Colorado
Fort Morgan, Colorado, November 18th, 2019: Viaero Wireless is pleased to announce that a new tower near Alamosa, Colorado is now online. The latest tower build is part of a larger initiative to expand and improve cellular and high-speed internet coverage in rural communities. With the addition of the tower, coverage options are expected to improve for Viaero’s customers near Highway 285 south of Alamosa.
Topics: Technology, community, internet, wireless, rural, mobile, Alamosa
Viaero Wireless Expands Network Coverage near Johnson Lake, Nebraska
Fort Morgan, Colorado, October 31st, 2019: Viaero Wireless is pleased to announce that a new tower near Johnson Lake, Nebraska is now online. The latest tower build is part of a larger initiative to expand and improve cellular and high-speed internet coverage in rural communities. With the addition of the Johnson Lake tower, coverage options are expected to improve for Viaero’s customers near the Lexington area, Highway 283, and Johnson Lake.
Topics: cell phones, wireless, rural, nebraska
Viaero Wireless Continues to Expand High-Speed Internet Services to Rural Communities
Fort Morgan, Colorado, June 6th, 2019: Viaero Wireless has recently upgraded a site in Laird East, Colorado and the following Nebraska sites: Burwell, Chappell, Imperial North, NE North Platte, and Palisades. The site upgrades provide high-speed internet service capacities for area residents. Residents of rural communities typically face significant challenges with obtaining high-speed internet service due to a lack of providers.
Topics: internet, rural, carrier, proconnect
Viareo Wireless Set to Sponsor 2019’s Pedal the Plains Cycling Tour
Fort Morgan, Colorado, April 23rd, 2019: Viaero Wireless is once again this year’s title sponsor for the Pedal the Plains cycling tour. This year’s route will showcase the towns of Lamar, Holly, and Springfield, Colorado. The tour will begin on September 13th in the town of Lamar and progress to Holly. Day two will consist of a 73.7-mile ride from Holly to Springfield before circling back to Lamar on September 15th. The entire route will span a total of 168.3 miles.
Topics: Community Events, community, rural, pedal the plains
Viaero Wireless Expands High-Speed Internet Services to Nebraska’s Rural Communities
Fort Morgan, Colorado, April 22nd, 2019: Viaero Wireless has recently upgraded sites in Albion, Petersburg, Spalding, St. Edward, and Cedar Rapids, Nebraska. The site upgrades provide high-speed internet service capacities for area residents. Residents of rural communities typically face significant challenges with obtaining high-speed internet service due to a lack of providers.
Topics: data, internet, rural, nebraska, streaming, unlimited, proconnect