Video and entertainment content streaming on wireless devices is growing and we know many of you are joining this trend. We’ve been listening to the fact that you’re using Viaero’s cutting-edge wireless services and technologies in this way. That’s why we’ve expanded our partnership with DISH Networks this holiday season to make it easier for you to use Sling TV.
The cost of a new smartphone can seem out of reach for those on fixed or moderate incomes. Even those who have a good degree of discretionary income might balk at the idea of paying today’s prices. With the average smartphone lasting only two to three years, high costs can seem like an unsound investment. Luckily, there are several ways you can save money when it’s time to purchase a new device.
Topics: cell phones, Technology, smartphone
4 Impacts of Smartphone Use Differences in Multi-generational Households
The multi-generational household is making a comeback, according to a 2016 study by Pew Research Center. The study determined multi-generational households had at least two different adult generations living together or grandparents and grandchildren younger than 25 living in the same house. Approximately 64 million Americans now live in households with more than one generation. Growing diversity, economic pressures, and preferences for interdependence are the main reasons for the returning trend.
Topics: cell phones, Technology, smartphone, mulit-generation
3 Reasons Why Smartphone Apps are Becoming Subscription-Based
If you’ve ever purchased a smartphone app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store, you’re probably familiar with the idea of paying for some apps and installing others for free. There’s a good chance most of the paid apps have involved paying a one-time fee to download, install, and use them. But what if you had to pay a monthly or yearly fee to keep using the app?
Topics: Technology, smartphone, apps
Four Reasons Why In-Building Wireless Coverage is Becoming More Important
The days when wireless phones were mostly used outside have been gone for decades. As landline service has phased out in favor of cellular, subscribers have come to expect good to superior indoor coverage.
Today, up to eighty percent of all wireless traffic starts and ends indoors, according to a CommScope report. In-building wireless coverage can be impacted by multiple factors, including the building’s materials, its layout, the surrounding environment, and the person’s location within the building.
Topics: Technology, data, wireless
The devices people use to stream movies, television shows, and videos is shifting away from larger television screens to smaller smartphone displays. Consumer research groups estimate that consumers will watch up to half of all television and on-demand content on mobile devices by 2020.
Topics: Technology, data, internet, smartphone
Rural Seniors Don't Have to Avoid Wireless Technology
Senior citizen population percentages are beginning to increase in rural communities, according to studies by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. By comparison, the percentage of seniors living in rural areas surpasses the percentages in urban and suburban communities.
Rural seniors can face unique challenges that come from living independently in areas without the same resources as suburbs and major cities.
Topics: Technology, internet, smartphone, senior citizens
Protecting your smartphone against malware is as important as guarding your home computer against unwanted threats. Anti-malware apps are becoming increasingly popular as a way to prevent unwanted applications from installing. While malware infections are not as common on Apple iPhones as Android-based devices, an anti-malware application is recommended for both.
Topics: Technology, smartphone, security
10 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Smartphone Use
In the AMC television series Humans, machines powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technology look and sound like real humans, fulfilling tasks real humans are too busy to do on their own. The show’s storyline depicts some of the more troublesome potentials of AI, but its recent growth and integration into our lives is expected to continue.
Topics: cell phones, Technology
This summer is flying by with holidays, family vacations, summer camp, and more! Samsung can help you save every memory with July’s Double Your Memory Promotion.
The summer season brings opportunities for travel and the need to access entertainment content on the go. While you’re with the family in the car, driving to the water park, or sitting on a crowded plane preparing for a four-hour ride to your vacation spot, you want to be able to watch your favorite videos and listen to your favorite songs.
Topics: cell phones, Technology